💬 Share Your Notes Here!
Calling everyone who joined the Notes Challenge: share your link in the comments👇
Time to give your Notes a bit of a boost!
Are you in the Notes Challenge?
Have you done your daily Notes?
Here’s what you need to do now:
Share a link to your Notes in the comments below so that we can find it, read, comment, like, and restock it!
Check other people’s Notes in the comments. Find something you like to read more about and give it a like, comment, and share.
That’s it!
You can share your Notes here throughout the whole week, until the next sharing post on Saturday.
Anyone from the community can participate: free subscribers and paid members.
Let’s do this!!
Share your link now 👇
P.S. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. If you haven’t already, Join the Notes30 Challenge if you’re serious about growing on Substack. And don’t forget to add yourself to the Google Sheet so that you can participate for the Winner’s Prize - a spotlight session with me where we talk about your Substack!
P.S.S. If you’re not taking the Notes Challenge, you can opt-out from receiving these weekly posts from your settings here:
Happy Saturday everyone! Thank you Yana 🙏🏾
The road to authenticity is a lovely one
Gratitude Always!